"The Vampire Ball was created to honor the memory of Kelly O’May, aka Penny Scandall, who was taken from our community. Some of the ball's proceeds will fund the scholarship her parents have created in her memory." Rauncie Reynolds, AKA The Vampire Queen of Rochester, Granny Goth. ​​​​​​​

Rauncie gets her hair and makeup styled professionally to match her custom-made outfits for the ball every year.

Much more goes into the planning than meets the eye. Rauncie organizes most of the event including special guests Like Madame X (right), bands, venue, ticket sales, and a hearse for transportation to the event.

Fangs check. The vampire ball is open to the public, but you must dress up to be admitted. Rauncie gives very specific instructions to the door people. 

Madame X was a special guest as some of the Vampire royalty and helped to plan the ritual performed during the ball.

who knew there was an entire club devoted to collecting hearses in Rochester? Ride n Peace Funeral & Formal Auto Society. 

Rauncie addresses the crowd and reads from her book for the ritual.

The beginning of the ceremony.  a drink is made and given to the willing sacrifice.

a Feast, the black swan is a sacrificial offering by someone who is not a vampire but is willing to offer themselves to a vampire. 

The vampire Queen of Rochester 

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