"The Outsider" Will Carroll describes himself as a manager who can take bumps. He is the manager of a faction of wrestlers known as "Total Fucking Chaos Inc." Will, like the other wrestlers in his group is a punk in real life and a punk in the ring.  They defy the typical characters of being either a "heel" (villain), or the 'babyface" (hero) and are loyal to punks and punk culture. When he first decided to make the faction he said "I did not see anything in wrestling that reflected what I wanted to see".
Like many wrestlers, wrestling has been part of his life growing, up. Will was a member of the wrestling team in high school but stopped competing because he wanted to wrestle more like they did on TV.
Will and Hardcore pose with a trophy before a match inside a local high school gym in Lyons. Trophies and belts are often used as motivation to start warring with another faction or wrestler and are an integral part of wrestling storylines.
Interacting with the crowd is one of the skills you must embrace as a wrestler. some wrestling matches are designed to have children as part of the crowd, some are decidedly not. Independent wrestling companies run the gamut of being "family-friendly", Here at an Extreme Wrestling Force production it would be considered for adults.
Will participates in deathmatch wrestling as well as conventional matches, where gimmicks such as gusset plates, the thing stuck on his head, used for framing in construction, are used to make your opponent bleed.  Deathmatch is illegal in some states including his home state of New York, which usually means long hours of travel to get to matches.  Matches take place in odd places for instance this match takes place inside a warehouse on the concrete floor of a brewery.
Will takes the stage at MetalFest, where they performed a deathmatch between bands, to promote Total Fucking Chaos Inc.(TFC). TFC is a nationwide faction that Will has put together to represent punks in wrestling.
Cleaning the blood off after a match in the restroom. Despite the best efforts not to cause permanent damage, it still hurts and takes time to tend to wounds and recover. Depending on the state requirements, emergency response crews are required at some matches. There were no such crews at this match. Promoters are usually responsible for the emergency crews and insurance, again the laws range widely depending on the state.
Will sleeps on a fellow wrestler Hardcore's couch the night before traveling to a match in Detroit.  Hardcore does not own a car currently so Will picks him up on the way to the match.
While driving to a match in Detroit the wheel fell off the car, forcing Will and Hardcore to miss 2 shows they were booked at, thus not making any money.
Will and Dick specialize in deathmatch wrestling. A type of wrestling that is illegal in their home state of New York. They do not do it exclusively but that does mean more travel for them to do the matches they want. It often means they travel to New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennslyvania, and West Virginia. Will as a manager of a faction of wrestlers sometimes travels even further, recently he traveled to Texas to attend a match and sometimes drives to Canada to pick up another wrestler in TFC. 
As with any travel, the chances for delays and problems is compounded the further away it is. Will sometimes compounds this problem himself. While traveling home at a Florida layover, Will recently missed his connecting flight because he got distracted while drinking at a bar in the airport. Eventually, he was able to get home after befriending a local and spending an extra day.
Thankfully Will had AAA and got a tow to a Firestone garage in Fremont Ohio. Unable to make the match in Detroit, was forced to stay in the small mid-western town with no public transportation or taxis. Watching Will and Dick were stopped and asked multiple times why they were there, it was obvious they did not belong.

Marooned in a small town of Fremont Ohio, there is not much to do but wait for the car to be repaired.
Walking back to the motel after buying supplies, Fremont lacks easily accessible transportation like Uber.
After finishing a match in the Harmony House in Rochester New York, Will has a drink and talks with friends. Will is on a mission to bring punk into wrestling, often inviting his friends to the shows. Unlike large productions that you see on television, independent wrestling allows the fans to be much closer to wrestlers, often selling merchandise and photo ops after the show.

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