Matthew Tickner is a professional wrestler, "Mattick", based in Rochester, New York. Tickner began wrestling with friends as most do in his backyard. Later Tickner found an advertisement on social media for an open tryout at a local wrestling school. He began his career there but along the way became a trainer and then a co-owner of his wrestling school Ground Zero. Tickner offers a unique view into the wrestling world as a wrestler, trainer, promoter, and father.
"Mattick" is a "heel" as a character, being aggressive, mean, and easy to hate. He describes his character as elements of himself just turned up. He views his character as someone who believes in good things but goes about it the wrong way, like a vigilante. He also takes advantage of his local heritage playing the themes about Rochester.
When his family dynamics changed family had to take priority for Tickner. Being a national wrestler would include being on the road all the time, so he questioned whether or not he would want that for himself now. Tickner does not take his kids to see him wrestle, continuing by saying he is not sure what they would think of it, because you always want to be the hero in your kid's stories.
Mattick strikes against Rob Sweet during a match at the Harmony House in Rochester New York. Sweet does his job by selling the strike, making the crowd think it's real. It's always a good "bump" when the crowd reacts to the action in the ring.
Tickner works as crew during a GCW show in Rochester New York. Independent wrestlers will work as crew when a national promotion comes to their area. Tickner also rents out his wrestling ring. This ring is usually installed at the gym he co-owns and trains at.
Tickner with his wrestling Faction "Edge of Hope".  As a performer, Tickner says that he has a much easier time defining his character as part of a group of people rather than as an individual so he usually wrestles as part of a faction, or tag team.
Tickner looks on as a fellow trainer and student practice at the Ground Zero facility. The gym focuses on training wrestlers properly but also does promotions for its students. 
A chalkboard inside the Ground Zero Training Facility. It exemplifies core questions that can have vastly different answers depending on the performer.

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