Julio Laracuente is a student at Ground Zero, a wrestling school, and an independent wrestler in the Rochester area. Julio is also a member of a tag team with fellow wrestler "Price Purgold" and a wrestling faction known as Greed. From Puerto Rico, he grew up watching wrestling and always dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler.  Julio brings his family, including 3 children and his wife, to watch his matches at local shows.  
The character that people often choose to portray in wrestling is often related to the actual personality of the wrestler. The character is usually your actual personality exaggerated or the opposite is true and they portray something almost opposite of who they are not in real life.
Julio with a Tag Team Partner Price Purgold.  Part of the Greed Faction in wrestling they portray people that are sleazy, rich, and dishonest, the classic "heel". Wrestling often tells the oldest story in the book, Good vs. Evil. 
Before the match begins wrestlers get prepared. Often the matches are made on the day of the event, but even if you know who you are wrestling there is still planning to be done. The match will be choreographed and rehearsed before it starts. This allows both performers to get what they out of the match. Shine is a term used to describe a part of the show when the wrestler is meant to look good, or an opportunity to use their signature moves that help define their character.
Julio practices with other wrestlers at the school multiple days a week. The workouts include strength and stamina but also include instruction and practice on executing moves properly without injuring your fellow wrestlers while making the moves look as real as possible.
Julio meets his family right after his performance so they will know that he is ok. His children are young enough that they don't understand that wrestling is a performance.

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